Hunt ID: WY-9036
About the Outfitter:
Mule Deer:
All mule deer hunts are the western classic mode of operation, spot and stalk, with minimal sit and wait when conditions warrant it. The land varies from open and rolling alfalfa fields to junipers and cactus. Some are feeding areas, and some are in or adjacent to bedding area.
He manages his properties so that he always takes less than 10% of his deer herd every year to maintain quality and success. In doing so his hunts fill up long before the Wyoming license application deadline.
This hunt provider being a licensed outfitter can hunt the private land he owns or leases, and if the deer cross the fence onto a hidden piece of public land between his private lands, he can continue and pursue that big buck, when others may not be able to do so.
Hunting is done on private or public land but his main hunting is done on private land.
The ability to legally hunt public land because of his licensing allows him to cross over a fence from private to public to get to certain areas that others are blocked out of because he has leased the private property adjacent to the public property which has difficult access from the private side which provides a safe area for the bucks to move into and stay out of the public land hunting pressure.
Bull Elk:
This is a pack in hunt and get back behind the areas where other hunters go. Our history has proven to have us come out with some of the largest bulls in the unit that you draw. We have a number of units that we are permitted to outfit/guide in.
Cow Elk:
Special Season Note: The Hunt Provider has provided this special cow elk hunt in a bull trophy area. These elk are hunted very lightly and not usually spooky.
The Hunt Provider knows very well this is not just a cow elk hunt but you will learn the tricks of the trade as to always be able to find elk if they are there. We can always use some more tricks in our bag of tricks when we are talking elk hunting, they are always learning so you need to keep learning to become successful. You will learn the tricks then put them to use on this hunt daily.
These are a great way to fill the freezer and have a good time doing it. He hunts either private or public land wherever the elk are located. An elk ranch is usually his main destination. You will be hunting mostly private ranch land for the cows, depending on the days you select you may never see another hunter except in town.
Mild winters in these areas have increased game numbers but the Wyoming Game and Fish has not increased the number of licenses given out each year. This has made hunting success go through the roof, which is great.
Elk hunts: Units 40,41,45,48 and 49
Deer hunts:Region R units 41,47,51,52,53, 121,122,124; Region M units 39,40,164, 125
Cow elk unit 49.
Hunt Type(s):
Guided hunts, spot and stalk.
Species & Recommended Seasons:
Mule deer mid-Oct to mid-Nov, bull elk Oct, cow elk late.
Must apply for elk licenses in January and deer in May.
Watchdog License Help
License and Season Information
Lay of the Land:
Multiple types of habitat over 15,000 acres including agriculture fields, draws, CRP, dry land pasture, open and rolling fields, junipers, cactus, creeks and river bottom. Private ranches and adjacent properties. Cow elk hunting on private land.
Party Size:
Two or more per group for big game.
Turkey hunts 2 hunters per year.
Mode of Travel:
Vehicle and foot.
Success Rate:
High success each year on mule deer, cow and bull elk.
Trophy hunting bulls over 300 inches. We have had high success in this area and taken bulls in the 340's and 360’s.
Hunt Difficulty:
Low to medium impact.
Mule deer 4 day hunt in multiple areas. $3395/person
Whitetail 4 day hunt $2595/person late Oct.
Trophy bull elk 7 days in Wyoming trophy area $7795/person
Cow elk 3 days $2595/person
Antelope 3 days $2095/person
Merriam turkey 3 days $695/person
For a 1-on-1 hunt add $1000 to the price of the hunt.
What’s Included:
- Guided access to thousands of acres prime hunting private and public land.
- Transportation while on the ranch
- Field care of game and pack-out
What’s Not Included:
- Hunting Licenses
- Transportation to Wyoming
- Lodging
- Meals
- Game processing
- Taxidermy
Use the Outfitter Request Form to check on availability, ask questions or book it. Or call us using the phone number at the top of this page.
Disclaimer: All prices are per person unless otherwise noted. No additional fees for booking, the price is the price except for NM adds sales tax. Unless otherwise noted price is per person, no licenses/tags included, game processing and taxidermy costs extra. There is no guarantee in hunting. Availability and prices subject to change by the outfitter or landowner and they have the last word. If there is a discrepancy between our posted price and what they say it is then we do our best to negotiate for you but offer no guarantee. We do our best to audit them making sure what they say they offer they actually do by visiting them or going on hunts we pay for. No refunds for early tag out. No guarantee on filling hunting licenses.